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Saturday, 21 January 2017

Donald Trump tweets - I get the best protests

Protestors protest something somewhere
President Donald Trump has tweeted today that he "gets the best protests" and, for once, he might be telling the truth.

Having been elected despite getting less than half of the voters, it is fair to say that the President is not the most loved man in the United States of America, but few are the men who are so disliked that they can be protested about in countries of which they aren't even the President.

Women across the globe are protesting against President Trump's general policy of belittling, ignoring, grabbing and leering at women every chance he gets. If he's not calling them fat, ugly or "my daughter with the hottest body", he's bragging about grabbing parts of their bodies inappropriately. He also wants to take away their right to decide whether or not to have abortions and, following that, their rights as to whether or not they want to have sex with him.

"I'm rich and the President," he is reported as saying, "so I should decide who does and doesn't have sex with me, not the woman."

One women's right that he is not threatening is the right for his next wife to be imported from whichever country has the best catalogue prices.

There are expected to be far more celebrities in the marches than were persuaded to play at the Inauguration festivities.

In addition to the tweet about getting the best protests, Mr Trump also tweeted that there wouldn't be any hot women in the protests because "hot women dig me".

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